Free Post Raspberry Pi Creating a Twitter follower count display I've always loved tinkering with things and I recently found myself wanting to build something. I used to love playing with electronics, didn't want to build...
Free Post Overclocking Overclocking my PC to extend its life That may sound like a somewhat contradictory blog post title, yet here we are. I recently overclocked my PC to extend its life! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overclocking When you overclock a PC...
Free Post Cyber Essentials Getting Cyber Essentials Certified Is your security up to scratch? How do you know? Would you like to know? Security is becoming more and more important each day and it's something I...
Free Post Report URI DMARC Reporting is here! It was our most requested feature and simultaneously really simple and really complicated, but it's finally here. DMARC reporting allows you to detect and prevent fraudulent emails being...
Free Post Let's Encrypt Having a backup CA for Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt are amazing and regular readers will know I'm a huge fan of theirs, having covered them numerous times on my blog. They issue more...
Free Post Year In Review Year In Review | 2018 Well, 2018 has been another outrageous year and looking back across some of the things I've done is actually pretty mind boggling! As the year is drawing to...
Free Post HTTPS Here's how to do HTTPS with backwards compatibility I've seen this mentioned a few times now and I think it's time we had some solid facts on why this just isn't the...
Free Post Certificate Authorities Fishing for certs I recently saw a tweet that got me thinking, then it got me reading, then it kept me busy for about an hour. In that short space of time I...
Free Post Report URI Dealing with account recovery and 2FA I'm a strong supporter of 2FA and we implemented it some time ago on Report URI. All users can use 2FA on their account for free, whether they...
Free Post Security Headers A new Security Header: Clear Site Data I was debating whether or not to call Clear Site Data a Security Header but in the end I decided I would. During the use of a web app we...