Free Post research One password reset to rule them all! A company called Ecotricity recently launched a new app in the UK. They are a utility provider for your gas and electric but also run a nationwide network of charge...
Free Post HSTS Testing the HSTS preload process My registrar had an offer on domains so I figured I'd grab one and test out the HSTS preload process as it currently stands. I want to track...
Free Post RSA Hybrid RSA and ECDSA certificates with NginX NginX version 1.11.0 just became available and that means we can now serve both RSA and ECDSA certificates for maximum performance without having to drop support for older...
Free Post hashing Disclosing password storage policies on After every breach hits the news, I, along with everyone else, receive the dreaded email asking me to reset my password. The email told me that my leaked password was...
Free Post ECDSA Testing out ECDSA certificates Let's Encrypt recently started signing certificates that use ECDSA keys so I figured I'd grab one and give it a try. ECDSA offers considerable increases in...
Free Post Optimising for performance with Azure Table Storage I recently announced another huge update for and I covered all of the new features in a separate blog [] . Alongside that I&...
Free Post HTTPS Still think you don't need HTTPS? Very often people tell me "we don't need HTTPS" and most of the time the justification is based on 1 of 2 arguments. It's...
Free Post The next major update for! I've just pushed the next major update to and there are some great new features that I'm really excited to be launching! The...
Free Post CSRF Let your framework do the heavy lifting I recently found myself in a conversation about the difficulties of building and implementing effective CSRF protection. Not only was I struggling to get across the technical details of a...
Free Post nginx Monitoring Server and Application Health with New Relic As the number of servers you manage increases, keeping an eye on them all can become a bit of a task in itself. I've used Munin [http://munin-monitoring....