Free Post crawl Alexa Top 1 Million Analysis - August 2018 It's time! August 2018 represents the 7th time I've published a report of the Alexa Top 1 Million sites so let's get stuck in...
Free Post HTTPS Hacking Chrome to Look More Awesome! I've been playing around with a few of the 'hidden' flags in the Chrome browser and I've come up with a selection of settings...
Free Post chrome Chrome to the future We recently saw the release of Chrome 68 which brought with it a default 'Not Secure' warning on all HTTP pages. This change appears to have come as...
Free Post HTTP One small step for a browser, one giant leap for web security! With the release of Chrome 68 we're seeing a fundamental shift in our expectations of security on the Web, we will now see the 'Not Secure'...
Free Post HTTPS HTTPS Anti-Vaxxers; dispelling common arguments against securing the web The web is moving to HTTPS, it has been for many years. We've seen an acceleration in the progress in recent months but we still have a long...
Free Post HTTPS Debunking the fallacy that paid certificates are better than free certificates, and other related nonsense Those that know me or have followed me online will know I'm a massive advocate of encryption on the web. One of my goals is to help encrypt...
Free Post HTTPS Do SSL warranties protect you? As much as rocks keep tigers away... This post is the first of two that I will be publishing over the coming days to address a few concerns that seem to be rising in the wider community....
Free Post Security Headers Alexa Top 1 Million Analysis - February 2018 It's that time of year again! I'm really excited to publish the 6th installment of my Alexa Top 1 Million analysis so we can take a...
Free Post HTTPS Why we need to do more to reduce certificate lifetimes In the early days of the encrypted web you could get certificates valid for any period of time. Long gone are those days and as more time goes by we...
Free Post HTTPS HTTPS deployment tips Migrating your site to HTTPS can be hard, really hard. There are countless different ways to perform your migration and various tools and techniques that can help you smooth out...