Free Post Sponsor You can now sponsor! I've been writing content on my blog for almost 6 years now and in that time it's seen many transitions, improvements and upgrades but one thing...
Free Post Pi-Hole Catching and dealing with naughty devices on my home network Just last week I wrote about how I improved the security and privacy of all devices on my home network using a Raspberry Pi, Pi-Hole and the new 1.1....
Free Post Report URI Utilising Cloudflare Workers to speed up Report URI At Report URI we're on the receiving end of several billion reports per month and handling that many reports requires a lot of processing. From analysing to see...
Free Post Security Headers Security Headers is changing domain and branding It was a little over 3 years ago when I first launched and it's come a long way since then. This update doesn't really...
Free Post CloudFlare Securing DNS across all of my devices with Pi-Hole + DNS-over-HTTPS + DNS is the protocol that makes the web work. It's how we convert easy to remember names like into hard to remember IP addresses like 157....
Free Post Report URI Introducing the CSP Wizard on Report URI Today I'm really excited to announce one of the first big steps that Report URI is taking towards making CSP even easier to use, deploy and maintain. With...
Free Post Report URI Introducing XSS Auditor reporting to Report URI Whilst we already have support for CSP reports over at Report URI, there is another potential source of information about XSS attacks that may be attempted or happening on your...
Free Post Cloudflare Workers The brand new Security Headers Cloudflare Worker For a long time it's been difficult to set security headers when you use certain hosted solutions like Ghost Pro or GitHub Pages. All of that is about...
Free Post HTTPS Debunking the fallacy that paid certificates are better than free certificates, and other related nonsense Those that know me or have followed me online will know I'm a massive advocate of encryption on the web. One of my goals is to help encrypt...
Free Post Security Headers When crawlers are hungry for porn... I had a bit of a strange issue on Security Headers this week and at first I thought it was someone trolling me. Turns out it wasn't someone...