Free Post A new security header: Referrer Policy Regular readers will know how fond I am of the existing security headers so it's great to hear that we're getting another! Referrer Policy will allow...
Free Post ocsp OCSP Expect-Staple OCSP Expect-Staple is a new reporting mechanism to allow site owners to monitor how reliable their OCSP Stapling implementation is. With live feedback coming direct from the browser, you can...
Free Post OCSP Stapling OCSP Must-Staple Revocation checking is broken and has been for some time. Whilst some vendors have sort of worked around this with proprietary solutions, there is little that the smaller sites can...
Free Post bug bounty Bug bounties and extortion As the popularity of my services like and has increased they've started to attract more attention. Most of this is good but I've recently started to experience something a little concerning. Bug bounties I want to...
Free Post CSP CSP Nonce support in Nginx Content Security Policy is an incredibly powerful security feature but in some circumstances it can be a little difficult to deploy. Removing inline scripts or styles often comes up as...
Free Post cookies Tough Cookies Cookies are tiny pieces of data attached to requests that your browser sends. Their most important use is for authentication so that a web server can know if you are...
Free Post CSP Enforcing the use of SRI Subresource Integrity is an awesome security feature that allows us to ensure that assets served by a CDN haven't been tampered with. Now, thanks to a new directive...
Free Post Year In Review Year in Review | 2016 2016 has been a pretty amazing year for me in many ways, so much so, I wanted to look back on just how much I've achieved in such...
Free Post nginx Doing the ChaCha with Nginx ChaCha20-Poly1305 is the combination of a new cipher, ChaCha20, and a new MAC, Poly1305, to give us a new AEAD cipher suite. AEADs will be the only option that will...
Free Post HTTPS Setting up HTTPS on the UniFi Cloud Key My new Ubiquiti home network is absolutely awesome but there was just one thing bothering me about it. Every time I logged in to the dashboard I'd have...