Free Post HTTPS https://🔒🔒🔒 The www subdomain is so overrated I decided it was time for a change. What else could be better than 3 padlocks for my new subdomain?! Yes, it really works!...
Free Post AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages I recently learnt about something called AMP when the latest version of my blogging platform, Ghost, was released and added support. AMP is designed to make browsing the web on...
Free Post WiFi Security Wardriving Results I recently wrote up details of my wardriving rig and provided instructions on how to build your own. In this blog I'm going to go through the results...
Free Post WiFi Security WiFi Wardriving++ Wardriving is the act of finding WiFi networks, usually from a car or other vehicle, and mapping out their location. I did some similar work almost 3 years ago but...
Free Post nginx Brotli Compression Following a few performance related blogs recently this one is following a similar trend and is going to look at Brotli compression. It was announced by Google in September 2015 and it claims to offer 20%-26% better compression than existing compression algorithms. That&...
Free Post encryption Signal for Desktop is here! The encrypted chat app Signal is one of my favourite apps and they've just launched their desktop version! This means you can now move seamlessly between your mobile...
Free Post nginx Caching Ghost with Nginx The performance of my site has always been a consideration, the faster your site, the better the browsing experience. I've made various changes in the past to try...
Free Post encryption End-to-End encryption with Facebook Messenger We're seeing a huge drive towards end-to-end encryption in many of the apps we use and Facebook doesn't want to get left behind. You can now...
Free Post hack Yahoo! The largest breach in history The Yahoo! breach has been getting quite a lot of coverage in the press today so I thought I'd put together a quick bit of information for those...
Free Post Introducing sensible limits to I've continued to see an incredible amount of growth for [] and it is still exceeding all of my expectations. So that I can...