Free Post TLS The encrypted web is coming! Now, more than ever, we are seeing a huge drive towards encryption on the web. In fact, encryption is now being adopted at a rate never before seen. Here are...
Free Post new blog Time for a refresh! My blog started out as a general tech blog for me to talk about things that interested me but quickly grew towards a focus on security. From its humble beginnings...
Free Post updates! Every month I'm really happy to see continuing to attract new users, get great feedback and be used and talked about more and more widely. With...
Free Post CSP Just how much traffic can you generate using CSP? The ability to send reports about violations of your CSP is a fantastic feature and allows you to monitor all kinds of issues on your site in real time. There...
Free Post CSP Using security features to do bad things We have quite a few security features at our disposal to help us better protect our websites and our visitors. I talk about them a lot on my blog and...
Free Post HSTS Death by copy/paste I was writing up an article about using security features for bad things and I stumbled across something interesting. I found what turned out to be sites having used copy/...
Free Post 2FA Keep cyber criminals at bay, use 2FA! One of the easiest ways to better protect your online accounts is using something called 2FA, or 2 Factor Authentication. Don't worry, it's not difficult to...
Free Post CDN Should CDNs tighten up their security? I was doing some work on [] the other day and I noticed something about the CDN that I use for some of my assets. They...
Free Post Alexa Top 1 Million Crawl - August 2016 It's been 6 months since my last crawl of the Alexa Top 1 Million so it's time to dust off my servers and fire them up...
Free Post Short URLs for I had a spare hour over the weekend and I wanted to do something fun, so I created a short URL service for! This is how I did...