Free Post The first 3 months of 3 months ago I launched [], my CSP and HPKP violation reporting service. Since then the service has seen steady growth and I've been...
Free Post HSTS How widely used are security based HTTP response headers? With my recent interest in security based HTTP headers like CSP and HPKP following the launch of my new service [], I found myself wondering just...
Free Post HPKP Demonstrating HPKP validation failures I have a couple of subdomains on to show how good a TLS config can be and how bad a TLS config can be and still not...
Free Post Build a cloud scale PHP session store with Azure Table Storage Whilst building I knew that I was going to need some form of load balancing to be able to accommodate the kind of load I wanted to...
Free Post CSP Major update for Over the weekend I finalised a major update for, my new CSP and HPKP violation reporting service. Designed to make setting up and using your CSP even...
Free Post Working with Azure Table Storage - The Basics I recently launched, my new CSP and HPKP violation reporting service that is built on, amongst other things, Azure Table Storage. Using Table Storage required a little...
Free Post steelcon SteelCon 2015 Following a fantastic first year for SteelCon in 2014, I've just returned from an amazing weekend attending SteelCon 2015. With great speakers, networking, location, food and drink, there&...
Free Post chrome Chrome Address Spoofing PoC An address spoofing vulnerability has been disclosed in Google Chrome that not only allows a site to change the address you see in the address bar, but the certificate if...
Free Post CSP Combat ad-injectors with CSP and A lot of people dislike adverts on websites but I'm pretty sure that everyone hates adverts that are a result of malware, ad-injectors or malicious browser extensions. Ad-injectors...
Free Post Choosing and using Azure Table Storage for When building my biggest concern was how I was going to store and query the potentially huge amounts of data that the application could have to deal...