We've been making great progress on developing new features at Report URI recently, and over the coming months, you're going to see many of them launched! As we've expanded the team to achieve this, and as we want to continue to grow, we're going to be making some changes to support our ongoing activities.

The Paradox of Choice
One of the first things that many will notice is that there are now fewer subscription options to choose from. Including the free-tier plan, there were a total of 9 subscription levels that you could choose between when signing up to Report URI.

Whilst this was originally designed to be helpful by providing more options to our customers, it often left us with difficulty explaining what the most appropriate subscription level was and guiding customers on which one to choose. We've now reduced this down to a much more simple selection of 4 different subscription levels and removed the sliding scale!

For any existing customers already subscribed, we will grandfather you in on your current subscription, and we will continue to honour that for as long as you wish to remain subscribed, so there will be no changes for you to contend with. For anyone joining us going forwards, we hope that this simplified selection will make the choice easier for you to get started and figure out which is the best plan for you.
Changes to free accounts
This is something that I've resisted for a really long time, but we're now announcing changes to the free plans on Report URI. As it currently stands, only 1.98% of users on Report URI are paying customers, and a whopping 98.02% of our users are on a free plan!! This is something that we can't sustain going forwards, and given relentless increases in costs, and that we now process almost 700,000,000 pieces of telemetry per day(!), we need to change. I'd like to handle this in the best way that I can, and give ourselves room to grow and bring on key staff to continue to improve our offering.

First of all, all free accounts will continue to function as they do now until 1st Feb 2025, giving 90+ days of notice about the upcoming change. Second, we don't want to push all of our free users on to the new pricing tier, so we've created a special offer for existing free users to exceed the functionality of your current free plan for only $9.99/mo going forwards, with access to what was previously our lowest paid plan!

This will give those users time to make the decision to upgrade before Feb 2025, and then be grandfathered in to take this plan forwards with them for as long as they'd like!
I'm hoping that users on a free account can see that I'm trying to strike the best balance possible between continuing to support them as much as we can, and the ongoing needs of Report URI as we continue to grow and deliver new features. I'm also hoping that the value that we provide as a service is worth a couple of cups of coffee per month, which is all we're asking for in exchange for using our platform. To see if you've qualified, head to the Billing page in your account and look for the Special Offer notice. If you were a registered user on a free account before today, you will see this banner with a link for the offer:

Going Forwards
As I said earlier, for all currently subscribed users, this change doesn't change anything, and your account and subscription will continue to work as they do now for as long as you wish. For our free users, I hope you can understand the choice we've made here and that the value we provide is enough for you to continue using our service for a very small fee.
The 30-day free trial will remain and, as before, it comes with no commitment whatsoever. You can try out the service for the full 30 days and cancel with a single click and only a moments notice, without ever having to pay a thing. This should allow anyone to get a full grasp of the service and what we offer, even though the free plan will no longer be available.
I'm sure I'll see you all on the other side, and if you have any questions, you can email me directly using scott@ and I'd be happy to help!