Free Post HTTPS We need more phishing sites on HTTPS! There, I said it! It might sound like a weird thing to stay but stick with me on this one. We really do need more phishing sites on HTTPS, all...
Free Post HTTPS Our journey to a HTTPS only world Right now the entire Internet is taking a journey and our destination is a world where the only connection used to load a site is a secure one. We'...
Free Post New grading on I recently wrote about how I'm giving up on HPKP and as part of that blog post I suggested I may change the grading criteria on
Free Post Alexa Top 1 Million Analysis - August 2017 It's time for the 5th instalment of my Alexa Top 1 Million scan and this time around there's another new metric in the data. Previous Crawls...
Free Post HTTPS Certificate Authority Authorization CAA is a new mechanism that will allow site owners to specify which Certificate Authorities are authorised to issue certificates for their domain name. It's a simple DNS record so setup is a breeze and SSL Labs is now checking for it,...
Free Post Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt are enabling the bad guys, and why they should I don't think anyone can disagree with the tremendous amount of progress that has been made in deploying web encryption over the last year or so and Let&...
Free Post nginx Doing the ChaCha with Nginx ChaCha20-Poly1305 is the combination of a new cipher, ChaCha20, and a new MAC, Poly1305, to give us a new AEAD cipher suite. AEADs will be the only option that will...
Free Post HTTPS Setting up HTTPS on the UniFi Cloud Key My new Ubiquiti home network is absolutely awesome but there was just one thing bothering me about it. Every time I logged in to the dashboard I'd have...
Free Post HTTPS Why closing port 80 is bad for security We've made some pretty big steps in our transition to a secure web but one thing that I often get asked about is closing port 80 as part...
Free Post HTTPS https://🔒🔒🔒 The www subdomain is so overrated I decided it was time for a change. What else could be better than 3 padlocks for my new subdomain?! Yes, it really works!...