Free Post Security Headers Alexa Top 1 Million Analysis - February 2018 It's that time of year again! I'm really excited to publish the 6th installment of my Alexa Top 1 Million analysis so we can take a...
Free Post HTTPS Why we need to do more to reduce certificate lifetimes In the early days of the encrypted web you could get certificates valid for any period of time. Long gone are those days and as more time goes by we...
Free Post HTTPS HTTPS deployment tips Migrating your site to HTTPS can be hard, really hard. There are countless different ways to perform your migration and various tools and techniques that can help you smooth out...
Free Post HTTPS We need more phishing sites on HTTPS! There, I said it! It might sound like a weird thing to stay but stick with me on this one. We really do need more phishing sites on HTTPS, all...
Free Post Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt with DNS Round-Robin I was having a period of really high load on [] earlier and whilst I looked into it and sorted out the root cause I wanted...
Free Post Let's Encrypt How to revoke a Let's Encrypt certificate I've written quite a few blogs on how to get started with Let's Encrypt and covered both RSA and ECDSA certificates. In this blog I'...
Free Post Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt are enabling the bad guys, and why they should I don't think anyone can disagree with the tremendous amount of progress that has been made in deploying web encryption over the last year or so and Let&...
Free Post HTTPS https://🔒🔒🔒 The www subdomain is so overrated I decided it was time for a change. What else could be better than 3 padlocks for my new subdomain?! Yes, it really works!...
Free Post RSA Hybrid RSA and ECDSA certificates with NginX NginX version 1.11.0 just became available and that means we can now serve both RSA and ECDSA certificates for maximum performance without having to drop support for older...
Free Post HTTPS Still think you don't need HTTPS? Very often people tell me "we don't need HTTPS" and most of the time the justification is based on 1 of 2 arguments. It's...