Free Post BMW M140i Project The M140i project post - Part 1 In late 2018 I was incredibly excited to pick up my realistic dream car. After having driven several different BMW cars over the years, as part of my 12 car...
Free Post Security Headers Top 1 Million Analysis - March 2020 It's time for another 6 month update on the state of security online that's a little late! This is the second report using the new data...
Free Post Sponsor I'm looking for sponsors for my blog and Security Headers! Things have certainly been interesting over the last few weeks and it's fair to say that a lot things have changed in quite a short amount of time!...
Free Post Ubiquiti Securing your home network in preparation for Working From Home I'm fortunate to have spent the last few years either working from home or travelling the World doing training, consultancy and public speaking. With the recent Coronavirus epidemic...
Free Post Report URI Deprecating XSS Reports A lot has changed in the browser landscape recently and we've seen all of the mainstream browsers move away from running their own XSS Auditor or XSS Filter....
Free Post Ubiquiti Pumping up your internet speeds with the Unifi Security Gateway and 4G/5G I've worked from home for quite some time and having both fast and reliable internet access has of course always been a huge concern for me. In order...
Free Post certificate revocation Demonstrating that revocation checking is pointless! I've talked a lot about revocation checking before on my blog and made various arguments against it and explained why it's not such a great idea,...
Free Post Let's Encrypt Let's Encrypt to revoke 3,048,289 certificates Yesterday it was announced that Let's Encrypt are to revoke a large number of certificates after identifying a bug in their CA software, Boulder. This blog is here...
Free Post CRLite CRLite: Finally a fix for broken revocation? I've talked a lot about revocation in recent years and the issues with the current methods for checking the revocation status of a certificate are well understood and...
Free Post Report URI Supporting other projects in the community I've relied on a lot of different projects over the years that have helped me in various different ways and recently had the opportunity to start giving something...