Free Post encryption HSTS - The missing link in Transport Layer Security HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS []) is a policy mechanism that allows a web server to enforce the use of TLS []in a compliant User Agent (UA), such as a web browser. HSTS allows for a more...
Free Post encryption Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) - The guardians of your online privacy A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to connect devices or networks together with a reliable and secure connection. Most frequently used in corporate environments to link offices in different geographic locations, a VPN allows the sharing of resources efficiently and securely. Their recent...
Free Post code injection Code Injection - TLS (SSL) is not all about privacy, it's about integrity too TLS isn't just about ensuring your data remains private whilst transiting the Internet, it's also about ensuring the integrity of the data. In this post I will demonstrate a HTML injection attack and show you what a man in the...
Free Post cain Advanced Session Hijacking - Is coffee shop WiFi such a good idea? Learn just how easy it is to hijack sessions over the LAN or Wifi and why using that free WiFi at your local coffee shop could cost you more than you expect! In a previous blog post [] I gave...
Free Post HTTPS Session Hijacking, why SSL doesn't always mean secure Many sites lead you to believe that just because there is a padlock icon in the corner of your screen, or https:// at the beginning of the address, that data being exchanged on these pages is secure. This isn't always the case....